Wednesday, September 27, 2006

If your team is in a conference

and you like it, you're a pinko commie america hating bastard. Why? Revenue sharing. Lenin liked it. Stalin liked it. You apparently like it to, comrade. Take, for example, the Big Ten(sic). You play in the Big Ten(sic), you get 1/11 of the Big Ten(sic)'s TV contract. This is utterly ridiculous, as the contract was signed by the network to get UM, tOSU, and the occasional Iowa/MSU/Wisky game. They don't give a rat's patoot about you, Mr. Hoosier. Nor you, the Illini (errr... in keeping with the NCAA's mandate on politically correct team names, the "Fighting Illini" shall henceforth be known as the "Angry Indigenous Woodlands People", or AIWP for short. ($1 to Lee)). So, the conference signs a contract that they are able to obtain because of 2 teams ("From each according to their abilities") and distributes to the entire conference ("To each according to their needs"... where have I heard that before?).

Likes revenue sharing

So if you're one of these down in the dumps teams that can't win, can't recruit to your school because you're out in the middle of nowhere, can't sell out your stadium because none of the students from your school actually gives a crap and they're all unwilling to road trip back, then by all means, join a conference, and take the money that some team from a school with actual football talent earns. But if you're a good, God-fearing, red-blooded American, take your cue from the Black Knights of the Hudson and leave your conference immediately. If you don't...

He wins.


At 2:59 PM, September 27, 2006, Blogger Michael Pigott said...


I propose that Alabama seccede...again!

At 10:47 AM, October 04, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To summarize...

North Korea = Notre Dame

Because inthe case of colleges, like nations, the best have no peers.


Dear Leader


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