Friday, December 22, 2006

Oregon: will someone please stop the insanity?

I'm pretty sure your uniforms broke my tv last night. Good lord, you cornered the market on hideous 5 years ago, why do you continue to torment the eyes? I can just picture the conversation as they were preparing the bowl uniforms: "Well, we've already got the diamondplate pattern on the shoulders, a horrible black and green and yellow jersey, terrible looking numbers, and hideous pants... what more can we do with the uniform to have something really special for the bowl?" (a few silent moments as the 12 person committee ponders it over, at which point the janitor, who is allowed to leave the "institute" to come here 2 days a week walks into the room, and says...) "Why don't you paint the helmets to look like they're covered in some sort of radioactive mustard?"




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